So these are some picture of LHC or Large Hadron Collider. Basically this thing fires particles really really fast at each other in search of what researches call the "God Particle" which is apparently the only particle that has not been witnessed by modern science. I guess that there is something else besides electro magnetism and gravity that is holding our universe together, and thats basically what these dudes are trying to find out. The entire machine goes in a giant circle that spans 27 Kilometers, thats 16.77702 miles to you and me.

There are a lot of people also saying that this thing is going to create a black hole that will suck in everything, destroying earth and our surrounding galaxy. One of these believers happens to be my room mate Dodge. After many attempts to change his mind, he still is pretty sure that one day we will die because of this machine. So sure in fact that he likes to keep an eye on it through this live video feed that they have on the machine and the surrounding area.
peep it :
If this were to kill us, I would not be that pissed. Look how freakin' epic this thing is!