Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Though this is still better...

Seriously this is was (is) crazier than some of the stuff today. And most of that is a woman dressed as a dude.

Ines Braun check her out... really not the style of anyone these days though so i guess we'll just have to struggle with our high gear ratios till we figure it out

Ahh snap...

thats the new shit I guess
 ... better get out there kids

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some picture for fun...

Woo HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

New season of X-files starting up this evening...5 of 9

Scully is looking GOOD this season.  

While A-damn is making up his mind on that one...

I know I love this!!!

DJ Q-Bert

I think I hate this but maybe love it

I Just dont know what to think

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hesh Law

You will now be under a new Law, HESH LAW!!

dinner time = FUN TYME

Well this evening we decided to go out for dinner instead of being shut-ins like usual.

A-damn is stoked on burritos.
Bailey... not so much.
as usual adam was done before I even sat down...crazy
fuck yeah.

Adam went board skating, and I went home and had a little bike ride.  Weeeeeeee!!!

Kind of old news...

So these are some picture of LHC or Large Hadron Collider.  Basically this thing fires particles really really fast at each other in search of what researches call the "God Particle" which is apparently the only particle that has not been witnessed by modern science.  I guess that there is something else besides electro magnetism and gravity that is holding our universe together, and thats basically what these dudes are trying to find out.  The entire machine goes in a giant circle that spans 27 Kilometers, thats 16.77702 miles to you and me.  

There are a lot of people also saying that this thing is going to create a black hole that will suck in everything, destroying earth and our surrounding galaxy.  One of these believers happens to be my room mate Dodge.  After many attempts to change his mind, he still is pretty sure that one day we will die because of this machine.  So sure in fact that he likes to keep an eye on it through this live video feed that they have on the machine and the surrounding area.  
peep it :


If this were to kill us, I would not be that pissed.  Look how freakin' epic this thing is! 

new picture!

Its me!

Just a ruff take from the contact sheet, but still pretty cool.

Thanks WILL !!!
Click to totally enLARGE.

hey my birthday is coming up

not really but if you can't think of what to get me :)...
Fast Friday is an awesome movie, and this is an awesome book of images documenting the events.
check it out here...


i think you can buy it there as well.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Some of my favorites


I love this images...can't remember where they come from on the internet but they are on my computer and I like em'.

hey this stuff RULES!!!

I have been into this stuff a lot lately.  they will probably come out with some study that says it gives you the cancer, or makes you look like a slaurus... IT SAYS FAT FREE!!!!

P.S. Zesty lemon rules way harder than this mango crap.


I recently got a job working at a local coffee shop.  Its nice and all my co-workers were already my good friends before i began work so its been fun.  My only QUALM has been that i absolutely fucking hate coffee.  In fact not only do i hate coffee, I hate drinking all hot liquids.  Long story short : I make delicious looking coffee drinks for people all day long, and once I get up enough nerve to make myself one, I always end up getting pissed and throwing it away cause it tastes like POOP.   AND I HATE THE TASTE OF POOP.  Though today a young lad asked me to make him a Mocha shake.  After repeatedly telling him that his sexuality and over all man hood was going to be under serious scrutiny and questioned by not only his friends and peers but his family and relatives... I made him his drink.  Turns out there was a little left over and it did look tasty soooo I tried some, AND GOSH DARN CALL ME A QUEER cause I totally dug it.  

Oh yeah and its totally just a milk shake with a shot of expresso teeehehehe.

Wish I could be there...

Damn conflicting work schedules!!!
Craig you better fucking go

peep the filth

Supposedly there are (were*) two cats living in the house with this one women.  They think the cats are just dead and buried under all that crap.  If the Slaurus were a person... this is what her home would look like.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

there are a bunch out there...

this one is still my favorite

our heros

Such a tease...but i guess it happens in the new movie! go check it out, I still need to.

oh the sla, as much as i hate this animal...

these photos are pretty cool
photog: Bailey Wogrin.           Great job honey!

check this out

some other bike nerd out there found this totally awesome screen shot from DOUG.  Check out Skeeter's pursuit frame!

So today was internet day...

we like to party :)


this is the outside...
so much room for living.  That couch has your name on it, so come visit!

here is a photo of our plant life!  its great we like our new dwelling.


So now that you know that we have a new house...

Here are some photos..

We now have the internoodle

It's about time. that stupid company bresnan finally hooked up our internet. why is it there is only one company per city that can provide internet?  

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Andrew, Dodge and I  now have a new house. It blows away the DataBaseMent. First off it is above ground and has natural light second it has a dishwasher so no more dirty dishes but since it is above ground we no longer can call it the databasement so we have come up with a couple names.

1. the DataBase
2. terabyte Tower
3. megabyte Mansion 

We dont have internet yet so the data is not quite flowing as hard as it should be.