This Halloween I partook in the Halloween Mulecross cyclocross race here in Bozeman MT. The turn out was pretty good, I believe about 70 racers all together. The course was a good one, there wasn't too much deep sludge-like mud, the mud that was there, however, was extremely tacky and felt like pedaling on fly trap paper. It was a fairly large course with 2 very challenging run-ups in close succession of one another. The weather was great, kind of windy though not freezing. I competed in the Mens Cat.4 devision and finished 8th. All in all I was pretty happy about the way I raced. As always it hurt a lot but since the mountains are yet to open and all that awaited me at my house was homework, I wouldn't have cared to spend my saturday in any other fashion. My friend Sam was there documenting and cut together a sweet video of the event.
Here are the final results incase you were
Im the one with face-paint and the 80 color vomit jersey.
Thanks to Team
Muleterro for putting on the race. Video from Samh @ the