Thursday, November 26, 2009

Man VS. Toddler

I love this.
By the way I set up a Flickr. Thats where most of the photos will be going that don't make it onto this blog. Peep game.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Winter machine

I've been volunteering down at the bike kitchen for the past few weeks and my main project was just completed: Guaranteed Worlds Finest Bicycle Precision Mechanism. Thats the actual name for it, so great. Anyways, I just got it street ready and the next day the snow storm hit. For anyone who isn't in Bozeman, we got hit with a big storm and everything is caked in snow and ice at the moment. So that day I played slip-n-slid all the way down to Summit bike shop to get myself some snow tires. I picked up some Inova studded snow tires in 35c. Im super stoked on them so far. I know a lot of my friends are really into studded tires for the winter and I have wanted to try them out for about 2 seasons. I can say now that I am very glad that I made the purchase. After slippin' around for 2 years its nice to not have a sense of dread every time I walk out the front door to start my commute. The feeling is quite the contrary as a matter of fact, I now get excited when I have the opportunity to ride my snow bike and actually welcome the conditions (to a degree). Being able to safely commute in the winter on extremely less than perfect roads makes a world of difference, with the proper equipment the same old roads get a new face that is pretty enjoyable.
You may be wondering why I am so happy about these new tires, after all they are JUST snow tires. I mean get with it, this is Bozeman. Well my past 2 winters have been primarily spent on a track bike with no brakes, now fender mounts, and 23-28c road tires. You get where Im coming from, right? Here are some pictures:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

radical repost.

Omar is the man.

HUF x NIKE SB from HUF on Vimeo.

Killin' it. Omar rules. Repost from here and seen here.

Monday, November 2, 2009


This Halloween I partook in the Halloween Mulecross cyclocross race here in Bozeman MT. The turn out was pretty good, I believe about 70 racers all together. The course was a good one, there wasn't too much deep sludge-like mud, the mud that was there, however, was extremely tacky and felt like pedaling on fly trap paper. It was a fairly large course with 2 very challenging run-ups in close succession of one another. The weather was great, kind of windy though not freezing. I competed in the Mens Cat.4 devision and finished 8th. All in all I was pretty happy about the way I raced. As always it hurt a lot but since the mountains are yet to open and all that awaited me at my house was homework, I wouldn't have cared to spend my saturday in any other fashion. My friend Sam was there documenting and cut together a sweet video of the event.
Here are the final results incase you were curious.

Im the one with face-paint and the 80 color vomit jersey.
Thanks to Team Muleterro for putting on the race. Video from Samh @ the Fix