I know this picture has been making it's rounds on various other fixed gear blogs, but its so nutty that I thought I might as well jump on the bandwagon too.

Regardless of how you feel about kids jumping and getting loose on fixed gears I think that most people would have to agree that this is pretty impressive. In my opinion this would be just as cool of a picture if it was a bmx or mtb. It is starting to become more apparent that the 700c wheel may not be as snobby and high horsed as originally thought. Proving it can get just as down an dirty as its 20'' and 26'' counter parts. Not as effectively, though non the less gnarly. Thats excluding cyclocross, of course, we already know thats had its face in the mud for a while now. Look at the TT bike in the background... Can't even stand to be in the same room with this foul creature.
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