Hey all,
Im not on my computer right now so I can't post any pictures, sorry about that. Yesterday we crossed the largest bridge in America! 200 feet above the water, thats 18 stories to you and me. The bridge connects Michigan's lower peninsula to the upper peninsula. Apparently 2 people have flown off of it in their cars since the bridge was constructed. We didn't though! We woke up the next morning to a glorious sunny day in St. Ignace MI, and were wisked along US 2 by an awesome tail wind all the way to Manistique MI, 94 miles away. Amazingly we arrived at 4:30pm, must have been some wind, or maybe we are getting faster... who knows? Anyways I apologize for the lack of pictures. I promise I will have some good ones for you next post. Later.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I think this is what has happened.
So Last time that I posted I was in Ontario Canada all wet and cold. Well the next day proved to be a bit better. The rain held off and allowed us to get on into Michigan. While the rain held off it continued to be cold and windy. As soon as customs gave us the green light to procede into America I felt a sense of safety, as if I was finally home. Although we were never actually that far away from the US while in Canada it was just nice to have that chapter done, and to know that we were once again on native soil. As we pushed on the weather began to warm though the wind still pushed hard down on us, sometimes from the side causing us to lean hard so as not to be blown off the road, sometimes in our faces, and for a few moments to our backs propelling us effortlessly forward. For the most part it seemed to push against our chest, an invisible force crashing down on us like giant waves at the break point. Though a warm wind is better than a cold one. The temperature climbed as the days went on, until we awoke in Fairgrove MI at 6:45 am with already 50 degree temps. We stopped in a place called Bay City MI to fix some pedal problems I had been having. My cleats stripped out in both shoes causing me to actually have to take my foot out of the shoe to do anything non-riding related. It was pretty annoying, and I have the bruises on my hip to prove it. Jack's Bike Shop is just behind Jack's house. An awesome place with some beautiful vintage bikes that you would be hard pressed to find anywhere else in such good condition. Ask me in person about the details because that could fill a whole other post. Anyways Jack helped me out, and I got some new Shimano SPD road pedals that I have been enjoying very much. I also picked up one of his cycling caps (see pictures). So we topped off the day at 80 degrees and we were in heaven. Clare MI had a diner that served 24 breakfast, a pancake brinner and I was ready for bed. When we zipped up the tent for the night it was still 60. Huge rain storms at night lowered the temperature, though not too much. The next morning we were ready for a similar day and left the camp ground in just short sleeves and shorts. About 2 hours into our ride a dark cloud loomed over the horizon, and things didn't look good. Shortly after the words, "Hey looks like rain... " were uttered a squall of biblical proportions descended upon us. I never thought I could get that wet that quick, but it happened. We pushed on regardless, marveling at the speed at which it had come and the ferocity of which it persisted. The rest of the day it rained, and it rained hard. The day was ended at 80 miles and a warm motel. Not much changed in the morning, cold and rainy all day. Now we are in Traverse City MI, 70 miles away from yesterday, and all its soggy events. Tomorrow looks to be much of the same, a little warmer! Though you wont find us complaining, this is the deal and we signed up bright eyed and bushy tailed. Our tails are a bit damp, and eyes a little dim, but it wont last forever and soon we will be back in the sun. Just keep on keepin' on.

Im ready for the Seals training now.

The word, "Waterproof" is written on a lot of things. Usually driving up the price. An 8 hour day in non-stop rain is a good test, and most "Waterproof" things don't pass.

"I think its only 5 more miles."

Oh its summer now.

I forgot to talk about this in the summary. The road we needed was just on the other side of this bridge. Too bad that the bridge was OUT. We asked the guys to just hoist us up and over with the crane. The guy called his boss and he said no. 10 mile detour...

Great end to a day.

Back to the U.S. of A. Burr.

Almost back!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rain. Wind. Rain.
So last post I had to cut short due to the closing of the library that I was sitting in. Nick and I were on our way to find another closed camp ground when one of the librarians came out and inquired where exactly we were planning on staying. Upon hearing our vagrant-esk plan I believe her parental instincts kicked into action and she offered to let us stay at her house. The words food, and shower were mentioned and we were in the car. The Vangriekens are a great family, even with 5 boys running around their house Debbie and Harry didn't miss a beat and made us feel right at home. A great dinner and some good conversation, and Nick and I were ready for bed. The next morning we were greeted with eggs and toast for breakfast, after that it was back on the road. Hooray, the head wind that was flooring us the day before did a complete 180 in our favor. We were flying all day with a max speed at about 28 mph on the flats, and an average of 16 mph. We ended the day in Port Burwell and a mileage of 94. We got some ice cream and then found another closed camp ground. At about 3am I awoke to what sounded like someone rummaging through my handlebar bag out side the tent. At first I thought about opening up some whoop- ass I had left over. Though after some consideration I figured that any guy who was walking around the woods at 3am in the rain can just have whatever is in there. Turns out, it was just a really clever raccoon that just wanted to find some food. Unfortunalty all he/she got was some empty candy bar wrappers and a digital camera which it tastefully placed on the table in the rain. THANKS critter. We awoke on 4/20/09 totally not high and totally cold and wet. Heavy rains all night made us sluggish getting going this morning, and once we were underway the temp never allowed us to warm up. After looking at the map, then looking at our soaking wet clothes we decided to not push another 90 miles to the next hotel, and not to push on to some soggy camp ground. Im writing this post from a dry, warm motel room and not to bummed on it. We put in some miles today but not nearly what we are used to. Tomorrow looks like it will be the same type of weather though an early bed and good nights rest will make tackling the wet and cold a lot easier. Tomorrow we are going back to the U.S.A. and Im stoked. Here are some photos from yesterday and all the windfarms that they have around here, and one or two of todays horrible weather. Oh and Lake Erie too! TALK TO YOU IN AMERICA

The best land.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Road information
So its almost been a full week of traveling for me, and I am now OUT of the United States of Americaaaaa. To be specific I am currently sitting in a public library in Dunnville Ontario. Not the most beautiful place, but it will do for a internet sit down and recovery day. We have been pushing pretty hard, most days ending around 85-90 miles. All that going starts to wear on a guy, so today we decided that instead of pushing through 15- 20 mph head winds we should just call it in Dunnville at a cool 55 miles. We are going to be going through Canada for a couple more days, about 4 by my estaminets, before we break on through to the U.S.A. again in Michigan. Since I've been riding with Nick I have changed my route a little. His way is a little faster and will HOPEFULLY prove to be a bit more scenic. I'll be heading up Michigan into the upper peninsula and then cutting over into Wisconsin and on, instead of going down through PA and OH and up again. Both of us will be heading right into MT before parting ways. The weather has been amazing in recent days, nothing but fun in the sun. Though now being right on lake Erie it is a bit cold and windy as all hell. Camping is still doable at night though its hard to motivate in the morning with cold legs and frosty finger tips. Oh yeah I rode along a crap ton of the Erie canal, not much to speak of at the moment... just a big muddy ditch. The people a long the way have been awesome, everyone wants to know where we are headed and why we aren't going the other way. Most cyclist that they see are East bound headed to Bar Harbor Maine. Thats about all I can of at the moment for current news... Oh yeah Nick ran over some ladies dog rushing back to a bike store he left his shades at. He didn't know what kind of dog it was though he said that it was WICKED dumb and ran right in front of him after looking at his rapidly approaching bike. I suspected for a moment that it might have been a Slaurus, then decided against that possibility after seeing that his front wheel was still in true. A high speed impact with a Slaurus would surely destroy even the strongest well built wheel. They are shutting this place down so I gotta go!

Its not that I want to stop the usage of wind power... I just thought these things looked cool and the sign was in my way.

this is the Canadian part of the Niagara Falls. Lots of water falling off some rocks.

Erie Canal

If it rubs at mile 10 its gunna rub at mile 90. Good gear is worth the money mostly for these reasons. Ouch.

Lake Ontario


Loaiza leads the break-away group further from the peloton towards the finish. Yeah right.


Sweaty, worn fingers.

Not Lake Ontario, close though.

End of a good day.

This farm smells like POOP.


While touring its important to reach a standard when looking for good dining, and lodging when necessary. If its not, "World Famous" we don't stop. This one is NO good.

This is Nick's bike
And thats Nick ... down there.

Monday, April 13, 2009
From the road...
First of all Im sorry that I don't have any pictures. My first day out, trust me there was NOTHING to see. Plus I was doing nothing but climb, after climb. Pretty high grade climbs I might add, getting out of the Adirondacks is no easy task. Weather wise, I was freezing butt off, never got above 30 and 20mph gusts all day. Though I pleased to announce that I am out of the mountains and, after tomorrow I will be just under 200 miles till the end of NY state. Also! I met a dude named Nick from NH who is headed to Wyoming along the exact route that I am. 80 miles down today and tomorrow looks about the same if not longer. Time passes so much faster when you have someone to ride with, its great. Still wicked cold at night, though tomorrow looks like camping seeing as how the low is gunna stay above 15 woo, high of 60. The eternal search for spring looks like it may have come to an end. I've got cell service since Im re-entering civilization from here on out so give me a text or whatever. More posts and more pics when I get internet again. SEE YA.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Training day
The other day Bill and I went on a warm up ride. About 90 miles. We road into the wind the entire first leg of our journey with some fairly brutal climbs, and then were graced with about a 10 mile tail wind on our return before it switched on us again and began blowing against us for the last 75-80 miles. woohpee. Though we couldn't have asked for a better day temperature wise, about 50 all day.

White Face Mt. Devil's country.

One time a tour bus full of people lost brake power and almost flew off the road here. Behind that wall is White Face. Think about it.

During my trip I think Im going to be posting videos of all the different TREATS I find in every state. NY- Twizzlers. Weekly Treats, or TRWEAKS.

I wondered why all the cars were slowing down before this bridge. I found out when my camera flew out of my handle bar bag after I hit this giant bump. Bill picked it up to see if it still worked. Still does.


GPS break.

Essentially both these roads lead to the same little town. Though do I wanna climb now, or later?

All packed up.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Spring Cleaning
It was sad day today as we said goodbye to our glorious Hot-N-Ready pizza box collection. As many of you are aware the Hot-N-Ready is the "Best value in America", and heck if they ain't lyin'. In tough times like these its important to remember that if you can just scrounge up 5 little dollars, you got eats for at least 2 days. Thanks Little Caesars !

Adam is like 6'4"

Here are some paintings that art dawg Will is working on, NEAT STUFF POOP butt... !

Here are some pictures of pictures from my homie Nick Weber that were showing this past Thursday. Neat photos dOOd !

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