So last post I had to cut short due to the closing of the library that I was sitting in. Nick and I were on our way to find another closed camp ground when one of the librarians came out and inquired where exactly we were planning on staying. Upon hearing our vagrant-esk plan I believe her parental instincts kicked into action and she offered to let us stay at her house. The words food, and shower were mentioned and we were in the car. The Vangriekens are a great family, even with 5 boys running around their house Debbie and Harry didn't miss a beat and made us feel right at home. A great dinner and some good conversation, and Nick and I were ready for bed. The next morning we were greeted with eggs and toast for breakfast, after that it was back on the road. Hooray, the head wind that was flooring us the day before did a complete 180 in our favor. We were flying all day with a max speed at about 28 mph on the flats, and an average of 16 mph. We ended the day in Port Burwell and a mileage of 94. We got some ice cream and then found another closed camp ground. At about 3am I awoke to what sounded like someone rummaging through my handlebar bag out side the tent. At first I thought about opening up some whoop- ass I had left over. Though after some consideration I figured that any guy who was walking around the woods at 3am in the rain can just have whatever is in there. Turns out, it was just a really clever raccoon that just wanted to find some food. Unfortunalty all he/she got was some empty candy bar wrappers and a digital camera which it tastefully placed on the table in the rain. THANKS critter. We awoke on 4/20/09 totally not high and totally cold and wet. Heavy rains all night made us sluggish getting going this morning, and once we were underway the temp never allowed us to warm up. After looking at the map, then looking at our soaking wet clothes we decided to not push another 90 miles to the next hotel, and not to push on to some soggy camp ground. Im writing this post from a dry, warm motel room and not to bummed on it. We put in some miles today but not nearly what we are used to. Tomorrow looks like it will be the same type of weather though an early bed and good nights rest will make tackling the wet and cold a lot easier. Tomorrow we are going back to the U.S.A. and Im stoked. Here are some photos from yesterday and all the windfarms that they have around here, and one or two of todays horrible weather. Oh and Lake Erie too! TALK TO YOU IN AMERICA

The best land.

1 comment:
are you cruising through MPLS?
-house of 1817
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