So its almost been a full week of traveling for me, and I am now OUT of the United States of Americaaaaa. To be specific I am currently sitting in a public library in Dunnville Ontario. Not the most beautiful place, but it will do for a internet sit down and recovery day. We have been pushing pretty hard, most days ending around 85-90 miles. All that going starts to wear on a guy, so today we decided that instead of pushing through 15- 20 mph head winds we should just call it in Dunnville at a cool 55 miles. We are going to be going through Canada for a couple more days, about 4 by my estaminets, before we break on through to the U.S.A. again in Michigan. Since I've been riding with Nick I have changed my route a little. His way is a little faster and will HOPEFULLY prove to be a bit more scenic. I'll be heading up Michigan into the upper peninsula and then cutting over into Wisconsin and on, instead of going down through PA and OH and up again. Both of us will be heading right into MT before parting ways. The weather has been amazing in recent days, nothing but fun in the sun. Though now being right on lake Erie it is a bit cold and windy as all hell. Camping is still doable at night though its hard to motivate in the morning with cold legs and frosty finger tips. Oh yeah I rode along a crap ton of the Erie canal, not much to speak of at the moment... just a big muddy ditch. The people a long the way have been awesome, everyone wants to know where we are headed and why we aren't going the other way. Most cyclist that they see are East bound headed to Bar Harbor Maine. Thats about all I can of at the moment for current news... Oh yeah Nick ran over some ladies dog rushing back to a bike store he left his shades at. He didn't know what kind of dog it was though he said that it was WICKED dumb and ran right in front of him after looking at his rapidly approaching bike. I suspected for a moment that it might have been a Slaurus, then decided against that possibility after seeing that his front wheel was still in true. A high speed impact with a Slaurus would surely destroy even the strongest well built wheel. They are shutting this place down so I gotta go!

Its not that I want to stop the usage of wind power... I just thought these things looked cool and the sign was in my way.

this is the Canadian part of the Niagara Falls. Lots of water falling off some rocks.

Erie Canal

If it rubs at mile 10 its gunna rub at mile 90. Good gear is worth the money mostly for these reasons. Ouch.

Lake Ontario


Loaiza leads the break-away group further from the peloton towards the finish. Yeah right.


Sweaty, worn fingers.

Not Lake Ontario, close though.

End of a good day.

This farm smells like POOP.


While touring its important to reach a standard when looking for good dining, and lodging when necessary. If its not, "World Famous" we don't stop. This one is NO good.

This is Nick's bike
And thats Nick ... down there.

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