Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have been creating a lot of paint-oriented art lately, and this is my latest color platte!  I needed to wash my hands before I made dinner the other night though I wanted to keep this little piece of art around.  My garage is slowly turning into a gallery for mine and my friends works of art.  More pictures to come as it matures.

P.S.  HUGE thanks to the 3 other guys besides myself that came to the Open last night.  The weather was horrible and it proves that neither Hell nor high water can keep a couple of bike nerds from congregating.  I'll be posting soon on when the next even will be... probably this weekend.  the weather is supposed to be a bit more pleasant.  I'll be replacing the trackstand with quick-stop...or maybe the sprints with quick-stop.  WHO KNOWS?! stop me on the street and let me know what YOU would prefer.  or e-mail me

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